How to generate Free PR for your Business

July BAM Event

11th of July 2018

Guest Speaker - Daniel Cohen

Topic -

"How to generate free PR for your business using the media" with guest presenter Daniel Cohen.....

Daniel Cohen describes himself a Financial Entrepreneur. After becoming one of the youngest Certified Financial Planners® (CFP®) in Australia, Daniel left his last role in financial planning at AMP in 2015 to focus on his start-up (with fellow co-founder Taj Singh), First Home Buyers Australia (FHBA) – which helps Australians successfully enter the property market.

Entering a market dominated by some large a& powerful ASX listed companies, and with a goal to be Australia wide as soon as possible, was never going to be an easy task. Daniel & Taj needed to get the word out to as many people as possible, as quickly and cheaply as possible. For this, they turned to the world of PR.

Daniel has just recently sold his share in FHBA to his former business partner, to pursue other opportunities as a financial entrepreneur. His story, from no media to being in the media over 100 times, including in/on ABC, SBS, 7, 9, 10, Sky Business, AFR, SMH, The Australian, Daily Telegraph and more (note: all these appearances were FREEE!) is one to be heard and inspired from.

Having taught his free PR methods to The Entourage, Daniel is now bringing his strategies & tips to BAM for one night only. Regardless of your industry, Daniel will show give you countless tips into how to get free PR (whether a small local publication, or a national primetime TV show) via a step-by-step process, including how to create your very own PR statement!

Below includes powerpoint presentations from the evening along with the recordings from the evening.

Daniel's “DIY PR Roadmap”


What are the steps / processes in this roadmap?



  1. Identify current topics in the media that relate to your business
  2. Develop your own views and opinions on these current issues
  3. Substantiate your view
  4. Develop your own PR statement


  1. Research and identify publications you’d like to appear in
  2. Identify and ‘follow’ journalists in your area
  3. Send your PR statements!
  4. Follow-up your email



  1. Prepare for the interview
  2. Do the interview with a smile
  3. Maximise the eyeballs on your interview

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The nights presentation was broken into 4 separate videos of both Sarah & Daniels Presentation.

To play the main video from the evening Please click on the link below -

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